spare parts

Frequently asked questions

How can I identify the right product ?
- If you know the part number of the product you are looking for, you have reached the right product. If you do not know the part number, you can share your vehicle's information (Serial number, Brand, Type, Model year) with us to find the right product.

How can I order a product ?
- You can contact our customer service at and place an order.

When will I receive my order ?
- If the product you ordered is in stock, it will be shipped within 3 days at the latest. For products that are not in stock, do not forget to learn the delivery time from customer service. Shipping time can vary depending on your delivery address.

How can I track my order ?
- After the order is delivered to the cargo company, you can track it on the website of the carrier company with the tracking number we notify you.

Are your products original ? After market ?
- Original equipment manufacturers' names and part numbers are provided for reference only. Please ask for the authenticity of the products before ordering.

How will we know about new products ?
- As Ucg Parts, we add new products to our system every day. You can visit our website regularly to be informed about our newly added products.

How does the process work ?

1- The client reaches to our sales agent via e-mail or WhatsApp
2- The client gives the list of the parts he needs
3- The sales agent checks the stocks and prepares price list along with transportation information
4- If the client approves the purchase, the sales agent prepares pre-invoice
5- Parts are shipped to the client's delivery address within 3 business days once the client completes the payment

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We quote the names and parts numbers of original equipment manufacturers only for reference. This does not mean that our replacement parts are made by them.